
Eileen McAuliffe

Pro Vice-Chancellor, Executive Dean, Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University

Eileen McAuliffeEileen McAuliffe is pro vice-chancellor and executive dean of Birmingham City Business School at Birmingham City University. 

She holds a chair in international taxation. She joined higher education in 2006, undertaking a variety of administrative roles, following a 16-year career in the oil industry working for Conoco Philips in tax advisory. McAuliffe’s teaching interests include economics, taxation, and accounting, and she has published primarily in the area of international taxation.

McAuliffe has been recognized for her contributions to the field of international taxation and in particular domestic resource utilization. She was acknowledged as a BBC expert woman in 2019 and invited to contribute to the United Nations Platform for the Collaboration on Taxation. She also contributes to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration.

McAuliffe is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and has a PhD in behavioral economics.

She was elected to °®Âþµº’s board in 2021 for her contributions to management education across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.


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