

Societal Impact Seminar (Americas)

Join a cohort of your peers for a highly interactive seminar on how your school can fulfill the requirements of °®Âþµºâ€™s 2020 business accreditation standards in the area of societal impact.
February 13
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This virtual seminar will take place 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time 

Business schools globally continue to advance societal impact initiatives through their missions, curriculum, intellectual contributions, and new innovative activities. Through the °®Âþµº standards, your school is empowered to make decisions that will have the greatest impact on your communities in areas from sustainability to social justice. 

But how can you effectively communicate your activities in societal impact in your strategic plan, accreditation reports and tables, and in external communications to your stakeholders? 

Join a cohort of your peers for a highly interactive four-hour lesson on how your school can fulfill the requirements of °®Âþµº’s 2020 business accreditation standards in the area of societal impact. 

In an engaging, facilitated discussion, identify each °®Âþµº accreditation standard that incorporates societal impact and engage in activities that will help you select a focus area and generate ideas for measuring impact. 

Effectively demonstrate your commitment to societal impact that go beyond the measurement methods and metrics we typically associate with accreditation.

Learning Objectives 

  • Identify the relevant °®Âþµº Accreditation Standards that incorporate societal impact

  • Generate ideas on how to integrate societal impact into your strategic plan, micro-plans, resource deployment, and goals

  • Gain best practice examples from peer schools globally that are engaged in advanced societal impact activities

  • Connect with business education administrators who recognize the value of societal impact and how it will transform business education


Barb_RitterBarbara Ritter, Jacksonville University

Barbara Ritter is dean of the Davis College of Business and Technology at Jacksonville University. She is an expert in the field of organizational behavior and management education with more than 75 publications and presentations in this area. Barbara has experience consulting in the areas of organizational culture, strategy, societal impact, and data collection and analysis. She is a recipient of a number of awards including the Beta Gamma Sigma Outstanding Chapter Advisor, the Horry County Stardust Award for Outstanding Contribution, the MOBTS Peter Frost Mentoring Award and the David L. Bradford Outstanding Educator Award.

Who Should Attend

Business education administrators engaged in quality assurance, curriculum management, strategic planning, or accreditation-related activities. This seminar is recommended for representatives from schools undergoing a continuous improvement review or initial accreditation visit in the next 2-3 years. 


Gain actionable insights in one, 4-hour live lessons with a cohort of your peers and facilitators. Pre-and post-work will allow you to maximize your time in the classroom. This course will be delivered via °®Âþµº's Learning Portal and Zoom. You will have access to the event for 90 days from the seminar date. 

Contact Us

For more information, please contact [email protected].

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