
Accelerating a Framework for Societal Impact Leadership

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°®Âþµºâ€™s Innovation Committee explores the required competencies needed for societal impact leaders.

°®Âþµº’s Innovation Committee—composed of the °®Âþµº Board of Directors and business school deans, educators, and business leaders—engaged in an accelerator workshop in April 2022 focused on advancing °®Âþµº’s ongoing work in societal impact. The committee applied Three Horizons thinking to examine business schools’ role in driving positive change and preparing future societal impact leaders.

Key takeaways include:

  • Present faculty recruitment models, research priorities, incentive metrics, learner accessibility, and overall university structures are often not conducive to evolving societal demands.
  • Business schools must be cognizant of the unique needs of their local communities and expanding learner populations.
  • Disruptive innovations are required for creating positive impact. Leaders can promote change through action-oriented collaboration, organizational decision-making, and encouraging greater equity and access to education and employment.
  • Five key competencies for a societal impact leader, which emerged from the Innovation Committee’s exploratory work, include courage, empathy, curiosity, long-term focus, and a data approach to decision-making. 


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