
°®Âþµº Recognizes 32 Schools Extending Business and Accounting Accreditation

Press Releases
Thursday, April 4, 2024
°®Âþµº International (°®Âþµº) announced today that 26 institutions have extended their business accreditation and 6 have extended their accounting accreditation.

Tampa, Fla., USA (April 4, 2024)°®Âþµº International (°®Âþµº) announced today that 26 institutions have extended their business accreditation and 6 have extended their accounting accreditation.

°®Âþµº now has 1,021 accredited institutions in over 65 countries and territories and . Achieving this milestone ensures greater access to high-quality business education for learners around the world and businesses seeking top talent.

“°®Âþµº congratulates each institution on achieving °®Âþµº accreditation,” said Stephanie Bryant, executive vice president and global chief accreditation officer at °®Âþµº. “The commitment to earning accreditation is a true reflection of each school’s dedication—not only to its students, alumni network, and greater business community—but to society as a whole.”

Achieving °®Âþµº accreditation is a mission-driven, rigorous process that includes an in-depth assessment of internal activities, mentorship with an °®Âþµº advisor, and a peer-reviewed evaluation focused on continuous improvement. During this multiyear path, schools focus on developing and implementing a plan to achieve their mission and align with °®Âþµº’s accreditation standards. These principles-based standards require excellence in areas relating to strategic management and innovation, research, and teaching and learning.

As ratified by the °®Âþµº International board of directors, the following schools have extended their accreditation in business:

Extended Business Accreditation 

Carleton University
Dalhousie University
Elon University
ESCA Ecole de Management
Florida Southern College
Grenoble Ecole de Management
Harvard University
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Jacksonville State University
King's College
Mercer University-Macon and Atlanta Campuses
Minnesota State University, Mankato
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Stern School of Business, New York University
The University of Iowa
Texas Christian University
Tulane University
University of Arkansas at Fort Smith
University of Birmingham
University of Dayton
University of Florida
University of Massachusetts Lowell
University of the Pacific
University of Southern California
University of Virginia-Darden
University of Virginia-McIntire

Extended Accounting Accreditation

Texas Christian University
The University of Iowa
University of Dayton
University of Florida
University of Southern California
University of Virginia-McIntire

For more information about °®Âþµº accreditation, please visit aacsb.edu/accreditation.