
Educational Testing Service

Sustaining Business Member
Non-profit ETS believes in the life-changing power of learning. ETS is known for assessments built on rigorous research and an uncompromising commitment to quality. We also provide groundbreaking research and learning solutions to help learners, educators, schools, businesses, governments and more on the journey to what's possible through education.

ETS was founded on the belief that through learning, people have the opportunity to make a difference in their lives and in the world — and that research, assessment and measurement have valuable roles in helping everyone chart their unique paths to new possibilities. In 1947, our founders came together to create an independent, nonprofit organization devoted to educational research and assessment to help expand opportunities for learners of all income and social status levels through more informed, objective methods for evaluation. Our commitment to fairness that inspired our creation lives on today through our mission to advance quality and equity in education worldwide.

Our mission informs the core values of equity and opportunity, quality, integrity and social responsibility that are the basis of our decisions and behavior. The relationships we build with both like-minded organizations and pioneers in education technology, deepen our capabilities in service of our shared goals.

Since our founding, we have been on a journey with learners, educators, partner organizations and others within the learning ecosystem to create a world where all people can discover what’s possible through education. Now more than ever, we are proud that our research, products and services provide measurement data and innovation that help individuals to see and take the next step forward in their education or career — just as we have for the last 70+ years.


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