
°®Âþµº Insights Submissions

Share your business education knowledge, experiences, and perspectives.

Submission Guidelines

We welcome article submissions on topics relevant to the business education community. The following answers to commonly asked questions will guide you in the submission process.

Many of the articles published on °®Âþµº Insights are contributed by members of our Business Education Alliance—business school deans, administrators, and faculty; business leaders; and strategic partners and collaborators. Current and former business students provide perspectives based on their business school journeys and learning experiences. We also have an editorial team dedicated to providing quality coverage of global business education topics and trends. Occasionally we work with freelance writers with specialized knowledge and influence in the business education community.

Articles on °®Âþµº Insights provide thought leadership on topics of interest to the broad business education community. We seek original articles on topics that adhere to °®Âþµº’s organizational values of quality (of business programs), diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; a global mindset; ethics; social responsibility; and community. Ideally submissions will fit into our monthly editorial calendar with designated themes and areas of focus for each month; however, we will also consider submissions outside of these areas, particularly if the topic coincides with current trends and events in business education. Articles must not be already published on another platform.

The tone of the article should be collegial, as though conversing with colleagues. Because our audience includes readers from outside of academia, authors should also strive to avoid jargon and highly technical or obscure language related to distinct disciplinary areas. Concepts and ideas that are well known in the business world, however, are appropriate for the author to reference and discuss.

The objective of the article must be to provide a perspective on a business education issue relevant to business educators, practitioners, or learners. Submissions should aim to help schools, organizations, or learners improve by sharing new ideas or best practices. Submissions should include concrete examples of effective practices or helpful suggestions for how schools can improve on programs or initiatives or work toward an ideal future state; how organizations can collaborate with business schools for mutual benefit; or how learners can get the most out of their educational journeys.

The objective of a submission cannot be to promote any one program, school, organization, initiative, or person (with exceptions made for sponsored content). However, mention of these things can be included in the article to help illustrate a point. If a submission has copy that would typically be found in a promotional brochure, it likely is not right for our platform.

The major themes we cover for the educator audience include the following:

  • Accreditation
  • B-School Leadership
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
  • Societal Impact

Topic examples include the following:

  • 2020 standards adoption
  • The future of work
  • The future of business education
  • Lifelong learning
  • Admissions and enrollment
  • Developing programs to meet community needs
  • Integrating SDGs in programs
  • Strategic planning
  • Crisis management
  • Implementing and measuring societal impact objectives
  • Collaborating and partnering with business or the community
  • Addressing mental health and wellness
  • Engaging faculty
  • Emerging technologies

The major themes we cover for the business audience include the following:

  • Future of Work
  • HR and Recruitment
  • Learning and Development
  • Societal Impact

Topic examples include the following:

  • Developing socially impactful leaders
  • Meeting talent needs through microcredentials
  • The role of degree programs in workforce development
  • Corporate learning models and opportunities
  • Virtual and remote work
  • Finding and recruiting top talent
  • Impactful research from business schools
  • Partnering with business schools for experiential learning
  • The talent pipeline
  • Skills gaps in newly hired graduates
  • Technology and disruption in the workplace

The major themes we cover for the learner audience include the following:

  • Career Pathways
  • Choosing a Program
  • Deciding on a School
  • Student Voices
  • Societal Impact

Topic examples include the following:

  • The significance of accreditation in school choice
  • How to choose the right school
  • Preparing to apply to business school
  • Preparing for the workforce
  • Business school rankings and their relevance
  • The business school journey—lessons and advice
  • Differences in degree types
  • Differences in majors and specializations
  • Having a positive impact in society through b-school
The suggested length for an article is 1,000 to 1,500 words. An average article length is about 1,300 words. We encourage contributors to use shorter paragraphs to facilitate easier web reading, subheadings to create visual structure, and bulleted or numerated lists (where relevant) to draw out key points and aid in reader engagement.
All quotes or ideas that are not the author’s (and not commonly known to the audience) must be cited by naming the person quoted and/or including a publicly available URL for the source of the idea shared. Footnotes or other reference lists are not used in articles.
We request that authors submit a high-quality photo of themselves to include at the end of the article. Creative imagery to accompany the article will be selected by the editorial staff solely, unless directly relevant, high-quality imagery is provided by the author. If you have data visualizations to accompany your article, such as graphs, charts, etc., we will likely reformat them in our brand colors and style.

Initial drafts should be submitted one month in advance of the intended publication month. For example, if you are submitting an article for alignment with a July editorial theme, we would want to receive the submission by June 1. We can occasionally offer some flexibility, so if you aren't certain you can make an upcoming deadline, please feel free contact us.

If you are not submitting an article for alignment with a particular month's theme, you can submit it at any time, and we'll add it to our planning calendar. If it is accepted for publication, we'll schedule it for a time that best fits with the other content planned for the upcoming month or so.

We will contact you within a week to let you know we have received your submission. All submissions for a given publication month may be held for review until the beginning of the month prior. For example, if you are submitting an article for intended publication in September, we will review it by the first week of August.

We may accept your submission as is, we may ask for revisions, or we may inform you that the submission is not the right fit for our publication. Possible reasons a submission would not be accepted include the following: the topic is not appropriate for our audience; we already have articles covering the topic of your submission; or the format, style, or tone is not appropriate for our publication.

We have a limited number of articles we can publish each month. When we are unable to accept an article that may be of interest to our audience, we strive to find other opportunities within °®Âþµº to highlight the ideas or best practices shared.

°®Âþµº Insights articles are regularly included in °®Âþµº’s weekly email newsletter, °®Âþµº LINK, as well as shared on the association’s social media channels. Contributors are also highly encouraged to share their articles among their networks.

Once the article is published on °®Âþµº Insights, contributing authors may post the finalized article to their own content platform or that of an affiliated school/organization (e.g., LinkedIn article, school/organization blog or newsroom, other professional blog or magazine), provided the following attribution is included, with a hyperlink to the article: This article originally appeared on °®Âþµº Insights.

Contributed content is eligible for reposting on °®Âþµº’s partner websites as part of a content-sharing agreement. Authors may request in writing to have their contributions excluded from consideration. Learn more about °®Âþµº's strategic partners.

Each month, we publish shorter writeups in two recurring sections: People and Places, and Research Roundup

For the People and Places section, published once a month, we look for announcements about new or outgoing deans, new programs or courses, major donations, collaborations or partnerships, and new or redesigned facilities. We do not publish news about school events, faculty honors and awards, student or alumni honors and awards, or anniversaries.

For the Research Roundup section, also published once a month, we look for descriptions and analysis of recently published or forthcoming innovative research occurring at your business school.

Submit your news for either of these sections to [email protected].

°®Âþµº has a variety of sponsorship and advertising opportunities to meet your needs. Learn about all of our engagement opportunities, or email us at [email protected].
We look forward to receiving your submissions and inquiries at [email protected]!
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